Our Story
Learn About Olive Oils
All the facts about olive oil, milling & tasting
We could not have gotten to where we are today without the help of local friends and experts.
Below is a list of important resources for anyone interested in growing olives or producing olive oil.
The Olive Oil Commission of California
UC Davis Integrated Pest Management
Olive oil abounds with flavor, antioxidants and polyphenols and is an unsaturated fat. That means it is a very valuable food product. It is a central part of the Mediterranean diet, when combined with good food, mostly vegetables, and exercise. Olive Oil is an ancient food that deserves a place on the modern table
Taste it by itself and taste it with good food
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
A Balance of
* Aroma
Warm and Swirl the Oil – Release the Aroma
Smell the Oil – Smell & Appreciate the Aroma
Taste the Oil – Note Flavor & Bitterness
Swallow the Oil – Appreciate the Pungency
Exhale Out Your Nose for a Second Pass Aromas
Not much. The quality and quantity depend on the variety of the olive, and the maturity, or how ripe the olive is at the time of harvest. If you mill a ton of olives, you get approximately 35-40 gallons of olive oil. If you crush a ton of grapes, you get approximately 160 gallons of juice.