Spring Has Arrived

April 1, 2020

If you cannot come to us, we can ship to you! Or we can meet you at the front steps. Call ahead please so we can be prepared to help you.

This is a difficult time for everyone. Let us all try to flatten the curve. If you are local and if you are in need of oil, call us and we will meet you safely at the driveway.
With great smiles and a safe distance.

At this moment, our IL Fiorello Visitor Center is closed to guests. We look forward to being ready for you when the time is right. In the meantime, we are trying to improve our Farm. We are trying to sustain our trees and ourselves, during this turbulent difficult time.

We are planting new trees, great vegetables, and our Chef’s Herb Garden is growing. Our compost is fantastic and we are feeding our trees. Our new chicks are growing and the “old girls” have a brand new palace and are producing great eggs. The eggs are sustaining, us as we weather this storm of a virus. We are trying to be ready when it will be safe for us all to meet again and enjoy the California Sunshine.

Olive oil is a valuable food. It has great flavor, a good energy source, and fantastic taste. Olive oil is much more than just something to drizzle over a dish when you want to impress company. It is a lifestyle. It is a necessary ingredient at every meal. It represents a positive lifestyle of eating. Use oil well and often. From our Farm to your table.

Joel Weber Editor of Bloomberg Week states, ( 3-30-2020). “Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. By bringing out the best in one another, we will and can build a better world. “

Stay safe, eat healthy, call us if you need oil or balsamic. We will safely meet you at the driveway with a huge smile and a virtual hug.

Thank you and please wash your hands.



A profusion of nasturtiums beautiful and delicious.

Tomato with blossoms already!



Scarlet Runner Beans are growing.